The charity Republic campaign for an end to the constitutional power of the British Monarchy and would like to see it replaced with a democratically elected, fully accountable Head of State. I fully support them on this but if you'd like to check out the opposing view, try the British Monarchist League. Except don't. I'm not trying to hide monarchist views from you in the hope that you will see the Republican movement as the only viable option, it's just that this is not, in my opinion, a very good website and will not convince you of anything. If anyone reading this knows of a better pro-monarchist group I'll gladly link to them instead.

The British Humanist Association and the National Secular Society promote Humanism and Secularism in the United Kingdom. I'd provide links to their opposition's websites here as well, except there are so many yet none of them agree with each other as to which is right.

I consider myself to be fairly liberal so when I want to read editorials from like minded and often better informed people, I visit Comment Is Free at the Guardian. Alright, yes. Admittedly I do mostly scroll through looking for articles by David Mitchell, Victoria Coren and Charlie Brooker, but there's always interesting posts by other writers that distract me.

While I certainly support the cause and may write about it occasionally, I wouldn't describe myself as a feminist. The term implies a level of activisim and awareness that I do not possess. But you are not me and thus might like to check out Feministe or Feministing. I am absolutely not going to post links to any anti-feminist sites.